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And whoever shall compel you to go a mile, go with him two.

Our motto is simple: "Don't Settle."   In every area of life, there's always room for improvement, and the same applies to business.  If you're in second place, strive to be in first.  If you're in first, strive to widen the gap between you and number two...


Where others see problems, we see solutions.  Where others see challenges, we see opportunities.


We thrive in the small business marketplace.  We are specialists in product design, sourcing and manufacturing.  With more than a decade of experience in overseas manufacturing, we can take your product idea from napkin sketch to store shelves.


There is no cookie-cutter solution to manufacturing, which is why you won't find our website littered with white papers and useless information.  


Our team will meet with you personally and develop a strategy to take your products from design to market.


From something as simple as a glass for a restaurant to complex projects like Oilfield specialty tools and everywhere in between, we know where to go to get it done.  Forget about overpriced, consumer-centric sites like Alibaba - when you need on the ground quality controls, we're there.  Our local offices in countries around the world put us directly in contact with the factory floors.  We micro-manage every step of the process to make sure that your product looks and performs exactly as you intended - period.


What we do is simple: we don't settle.


Our team is ready to work with your existing product or design idea to produce better value, higher quality and more consistent results.


Some of the industries we have recently produced products for:


  • Fast Fashion Apparel

  • Leather Goods

  • Consumer Electronics

  • Tooling for Oil industry

  • Fine Jewelry

  • Fashion Jewelry

  • Cellular phone accessories

  • Hotel furniture and fixtures

  • Indoor & outdoor lighting

  • Chef's knives & cutlery

  • Vape

  • Custom made wood & steel furniture

  • Natural stone jewelry and decorative items


This list is not comprehensive, but rather an indicator.  Reach out today and let's discuss your project.  Consultations are free and we love to hear about new ideas: it's what we get out of bed for :)

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